Latest Fashion

I am also extremely thin and white short. I wear is very fond of ska rvja. they must follow any rules for wearing?

Precious, Lucknow

If you always wear scarves so you will know which style suits you the wrapping scarf. If you create a custom style is not hard then you need much practice standing up in front of the mirror everyday practice is until it completely right. because you are thin enough, So use only small scarves. you will suit on.

My shoulder some small parsanailiti to keep your are balanced shoulder pads help take the jackets I. Please let me tell what kind of suit jackets.

Rain, Bareilly

Jackets with shoulder pads in the 80s are good they aren't engaged chaude. phamarla that suits you only firm shoulder jackets. it does not necessarily mean that always wear the same jackets worn on your neck and such. tops, shoulders wide, for instance boat or off shoulder tops, good show.. phrils and gaidard also the best option, callers is also tops.

Najkal sheer tops of some rounds noble trend sheer tops, manne. purchased the tanks tops, or tops with pair wear by spagaiti. but it's hugely common styled sheer top or all similarly kurte team. I have some styling tips.

Sanika, Chandigarh

Sheer top with attractive silver or camisole bra wear matailik. even the tank tops printed embellishments, pattern and also a try. sheer tops, thin on your West matailik chain tie. sheer top by expanding the chain to the chain style add up to sheer top will also loose dam. both ways will suit you and your body to shape also.